
One thing that new Rust developers will face sooner rather than later is the absence of some common utilities typically found in other languages' standard libraries. There are very good reasons fore Rust to be this way. This "batteries included" approach, although seemingly ergonomic at first glance, can have some downsides in the long run.

The fact is, the lean std library is supported by a rich ecosystem that can be easily accessed and incorporated with Cargo. This shifts the problem from "why isn't x available" to "which of all these x options should I choose?!".

This was a real challenge for me in the beginning. I spent a considerable amount of time searching and comparing. To be honest, I think this additional step, where we are expected to pick and choose our own tools, contributed significantly to my learning journey and personal development. I see it as an opportunity to discover more about the ecosystem and to delve deeper into the tools we use.

However, the goal here is to make things easier for you. So, I will share two unofficial "curators" that have explored the vast sea of crates and now are offering us some good starting points.

The first one, and perhaps the more beginner-friendly, is the Blessed guide.

The second, which lacks the "handmade" aspect but offers far more options and criteria, is
