Home Sweet Home
- Install chezmoi
sudo pacman -S chezmoi
- Initialize it
chezmoi init https://github.com/<user>/dotfiles.git
- Apply the changes
chezmoi apply
just watch the magic happen
- Reboot the system
- Launch niri from the tty
- Check if fish is in the valid shells list
cat /etc/shells
- Set fish as login shell
chsh -s /usr/bin/fish <user>
- Check it
getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f7
- Refresh the font cache to make sure the fonts are available system-wide
sudo fc-cache -fv
Download Bitwarden firefox extension
Login into Firefox
Apply Catppuccin Mocha Mauve color theme to Firefox by clicking here
Generate a new SSH key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
- Check the public key
cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
- Use github to test the SSH connection
ssh -T git@github.com
- Rebuild bat cache to include catppuccin's syntax highlighting
bat cache --build
- Check if it's now available
bat --list-themes | rg "Catppuccin"
- Fetch Yazi plugins
ya pack -i
ya pack -u
- Install and set Neovim nightly
bob install nightly
sudo bob use nightly
- Increase inotify maximum values
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
- Launch Neovim to fetch its configuration
- Include the api-key for the WakaTime plugin
# launch the website and copy the api key
open https://wakatime.com/api-key
# run the following cmd inside neovim and paste the key
- Enable the bluetooth service
systemctl enable bluetooth.service
- Update the main.conf file to set the startup state as off
sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
- Enable the xwayland-satellite service
systemctl --user enable xwayland-satellite
- Enable the ly service
systemctl enable ly
Reboot the system
there's no place like home