The main building blocks, a.k.a packages1
- Boot Manager: systemd-boot
- Dotfile Manager: Chezmoi
- Initramfs Generator: Booster
- UKI Generator: systemd-ukify
- App Launcher: Fuzzel
- Wayland Compositor: Niri
- Display Manager: Ly
- Notification: Mako
- Screen Locker Swaylock
- Status Bar: Waybar
- Cursor: Breeze
- Fonts and Glyphs: FiraMono Nerd Font
- Gtk: Materia-dark
- Icons: Papirus
- Palette: Catppuccin Mocha
- BitTorrent: Transmission
- Discord: Vesktop
- Spotify: Ncspot
Utilities and Quality of Life
- Bat: Cat clone with syntax highlighting and git integration
- Bob: A version manager for neovim
- Bottom: A graphical process/system monitor
- Cava: Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa
- Delta: A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output
- Eza: A modern replacement for ls (community fork of exa)
- Fastfetch: Like Neofetch, but much faster because written in C
- Fd: Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
- Fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder
- Gitui: Blazing fast terminal-ui for git written in Rust
- Ripgrep: A search tool that combines the usability of ag with the raw speed of grep
- Yay: Yet another yogurt. Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go
- Zoxide: A smarter cd command for your terminal
For the exhaustive package list, you can check the packages.toml